Reading in Reception

Date: 15th Sep 2015 @ 5:47pm

You have probably noticed that your children have a reading book, a library book and a reading journal in their book bags now. We really want to work on and develop their pre-reading skills for example talking about what theysee in the pictures literally, what they think characters could be feeling or saying, why things have happened and what they think might happen next etc. The library books are for you to share with your child. They can look at the pictures, you can read it to them, they can retell the story to you or even act it out. We just want to inspire and enthuse the children with a joy for reading.

Reading journals are for you to record what they have done with you at home, so any positive comments or questions. We, at school, will also write in these to inform you about their reading. Books will be changed as often as possible, we tend to do a group a day.

The children have brought home a picture of the characters that feature in many of our reading books. They can colour them and begin to remember their names.

Happy reading! smiley

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