Mrs Whitehurst - Year 3: Blog items

First Aid, by Miss Fokinther

Stone Age food, by Miss Fokinther

Manchester Museum, by Miss Fokinther

The forest school, by Miss Fokinther

Skeletons, by Miss Fokinther

Mummies, by Miss Fokinther

The Big Draw!, by Miss Fokinther

Communication, by Miss Fokinther

The Union Jack, by Miss Fokinther

Roald Dahl Day!, by Miss Fokinther

Orange Jelly, by Miss Clulow

Gizmo and Dot, by Miss Clulow

Exploring Gases, by Miss Clulow

Rugby World Cup, by Miss Clulow

Music and ICT 2, by Miss Clulow

Music and ICT, by Miss Clulow

Gymnastics, by Miss Clulow

Chester Zoo, by Miss Clulow

Year 3 Display, by Miss Clulow

Stone Age Fashion, by Miss Clulow

Instructions, by Miss Clulow

Rocks!, by Miss Clulow

Lunch Time Award, by Miss Clulow

Stone Age Mammoth Attack!, by Miss Clulow

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025