Ethos and Values

'The heart and mind of every child'


At Scholar Green Primary School we aim to develop the heart and mind of every child.  We aim to develop children into successful, physically and emotionally healthy adults that will appreciate differences in society and contribute to their community and wider world.


This will be achieved by:


  • Ensuring the personal development, emotional well-being and physical and mental health of our learners is supported to allow full engagement with learning and progress across the curriculum
  • Developing speech and language and early literacy skills and knowledge from entry to the school to enable learners to communicate their understanding and express themselves competently
  • Effectively teaching reading and writing skills and knowledge across the school to develop learners’ vocabulary, curiosity, empathy and creativity
  • Effectively teaching mathematical and scientific skills and knowledge to quicken learners’ minds and help them to think deeply when faced with challenging problems
  • Broadening horizons and widening opportunities for all learners through a range of experiences within and outside school
  • Promoting British values, equality and diversity across our curriculum to enable learners to be aware of religious, cultural and social differences in each other and British society.


Vision Statement


This is our school:


  • a place where every child is safe
  • a place where every person is valued and respected
  • a place where all efforts and achievements are celebrated
  • a place where we encourage everyone to make healthy life choices
  • a place where everyone is encouraged to make a positive contribution
Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025