Our Curriculum By Subject

We are very proud of the curriculum we offer our children at Scholar Green. Our intention is to provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum which gives the early skills required for life-long learning with a focus on children becoming independent, resilient, reflective and a team players.  All of the pupils at Scholar Green are unique and have their own strengths and talents. We have worked hard to devise a curriculum that meets the needs of our pupils and enables all of our pupils to shine and be proud of what they are good at. We want our pupils to be inspired in their learning and remember their primary years as exciting and fun! 

Our curriculum ensures all of our children are equipped with the basic skills they need to support them as they transfer to high school and to enable them to succeed in life. It also outlines the value we place on preparing the children for life in modern day Britain, so they understand what it is to be a responsible citizen. This includes an understanding of the issues facing our planet and the individual’s responsibility in taking the steps needed to preserve it. It also focuses on life in multi-cultural Britain and what that means and how everyone can make a positive contribution by showing respect for people from different backgrounds and with different religions and beliefs. It is a carefully thought out curriculum that we believe provides our children with the best possible start to their education.

The delivery of the statutory National Curriculum is delivered alongside a bespoke and carefully planned Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural curriculum.  This core curriculum is then enhanced with a range of planned enrichment activities, educational visits, extra-curricular activites, the opportunity to play a range of musical instruments, learn a different language, the opportunity to develop skills in a range of team sports and undertake a role on one of the many leadership councils.

Our curriculum is becoming increasingly recognised by a range of national quality marks and certificates. We are never complacent in our actions and strive to provide the best primary education within the local area. The school has achieved several quality marks during recent years for physical education, geography, science and emotional and well-being support.

Each curriculum area has its’ own page, so please have a look to find out more information about the curriculum we deliver at Scholar Green.

In you would like to further discuss our curriculum content and view our detailed curriculum plans please contact Mrs Colman (Headteacher) on 01782 651099.


Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025