Head Boy & Head Girl Team

The Head Boy and Head Girl are role models and figure heads at Scholar Green Primary School.

Along with the Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, they form the Student Senior Leadership Team, and preside over the School Council. This means that they actively help to influence the school's direction and its day-to-day running.



Favourite Subjects

Extra-Curricular Activities Aspirations
Head Boy - Owen P.E Football, SATs prep, Tutoring A footballer or athlete
Head Girl - Myesha P.E Netball, Cross County Running, Karate, SATs Prep, Tutoring A vet & Author
Deputy Head Boy - Theo Languages Lifeguarding, Cross County, Football, Scouts, SATs Prep, Safeguarding, Tutoring A vet, business owner, engineer
Deputy Head Girl - Jenny Art Football, gymnastics, horseriding, netball, tutoring, Maths Prep Equine Vet or teacher
Deputy Head Girl - Beth Design Technology Swimming, SATs Prep, Safeguarding, Girl Guides, Tutoring Vet


Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025