Mathematics Curriculum

At Scholar Green Primary School we aim to teach children how to make sense of the world around them by developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. We aim to support children in achieving economic well-being by equipping them with a range of computational skills and the ability to solve problems in a variety of contexts by delivering a mastery curriculum.

In order to achieve this, we follwing the White Rose Mastery approach to mathematics. This means in all lessons, children will have an opportunity to complete fluency questions to ensure they are confident in calculating quickly. They will then be giving the opportunity to solve problems and reason using their mathematical understanding. This means that they have mastered the method and can apply this to a range of different contexts. 

Mathematics begins in Nursery where children are first introduce the to the idea of number and the continous provision is used to support and enhance this learning. This is then continue as children move through the Early Years into Reception. Here, concrete objects are used to further support their understanding and they begin number formation. Practical activities form the majortiy of mathematics in the Early Years. 

As children entre Key Stage One, they start the White Rose programme for mathematics.



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Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025