Pupil Safeguarding Council

Who are we?

We are a group of pupils from across the school who are interested in keeping everybody in our school safe.  We are a mixture of boys and girls and we are from every class in the school.


What do we do?

We meet every fortnight to discuss safeguarding in our school.  We have talked about how our school keeps us safe and how we make it even safer.  We have written an action plan together.  It explains all of the improvements that we would like to make and how we are going to do it.

We work closely with Mrs Porter from the Cheshire East SCiES Team.  She initially helped us to set up our pupil safeguarding council and then came into school several times to walk round with us, see what we had been doing and join in with out safeguarding meetings.  She even asked us to speak to Cheshire Headteachers about what we do here at Scholar Green.  It was very exciting.  At the end of the year she helped us to review what we had done and we have set targets for next year.

2016-17 - Mrs Porter has asked us to help her make a questionnaire to find out what children in Cheshire East think about if they are safe.

What are we going to do this year?

Meet with other schools to share what we do and get new ideas about how they keep themselves safe.

Make sure that children think about what they can do to keep themselves safe such as putting chairs in neatly.


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Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025