Eco Council

Eco Club is every Friday night after school 3:15-4:00pm and is run by Miss Fokinther. We do a range of exciting activities, sometimes when the weather is allows we will get out in the school grounds but on other occasions we stay indoors and do activities such as up-dating the species file or classifying species we have found within school.

As an Eco Council our main focuses for this year are: water, healthy-eating and transport. 



Monday 26th September was Water Awareness Day at Scholar Green! 

Healthy Eating 

Have a think about the snacks you bring to school. Do you consider it to be a healthy snack? Could you swap your snack for a piece of fruit or a vegetable? There is fruit and carrotts available to Foundation and Key Stage One children every day. These are often available to Key Stage Two children too.

In Year 4 we have thought about what makes a balanced diet and used the NHS Eatwell resources to deisgn posters to encourage other families to eat healthily. Information can be found

Mrs de Takats along with the Eco council has also developed a "Happy Families" style game reinforcing the need for a healthy, balanced diet. The children have started to play this during Eco Golden Time.


Transport is now our focus after Christmas. The Eco Council will be devising a survey to see how children come to school. While we appreciate that it is not always easy, please consider walking to school even just once a week. Not only does this have a huge impact on the environment, it will also benefit your health and give you valuable time to spend outside with your family.

This is an on-going theme throughout the next two terms at school. As the days get warmer and lighter we are considering putting plans in place to make it easier to walk at least part of the journey to school.

Eco Through the Curriculum 

The year 4's have been out into the school grounds to idenitfy the different habitats. We also used the Eco Species file to idneitfy an organisms we came across. We were amazed at how diverse our grounds are and how this effects the organisms, which inhabit the area. See bellow for photos from that day.


We also value your thoughts and opinions, if you have any ideas about anything regarding Eco or are able to offer any time or advice please be in touch with Miss Smith. We would very much appreciate it.

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025