Internet Safety
The Internet is an amazing thing! At school we use the Internet on a regular basis as part of our learning and teaching. In school, we have 'e-safety' messages to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online.
Here is some advice for using the Internet safely:
- Always ask permission before using the Internet.
- Only send e-mails to your friends.
- Only go to Internet sites that you know are safe.
- Be careful what you type into a search engine.
- Never tell anyone your name, address or telephone number over the Internet.
- Always tell your parents or teacher if you are upset by something you see on the Internet.
Our computer network at school is safeguarded against inappropriate content. Unfortunately, computers at home might not have the same level of safety. Always follow the advice above when you are using the Internet. That way, you will stay safe and protect yourselves and those around you.
You are not allowed to have a page on social networking sites such as Facebook. If you have one with your parent or carer's permission, you can do some things to make this a bit safer.
- Set the highest security so that your details, picture etc cannot be seen by just anybody
- Use a made up name so that only people that you really know can find you
- Only accept as friends people that you really know. remeber that although someone says that they are 12 years old on the Internet, thay might not really be 12!
Click on any of these links to find out more about how to keep safe on the Internet.
Parents & Carers
The internet is an essential element in 21st century life for education and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with quality internet access as part of their learning experience.
At Scholar Green we take all reasonable measures to make sure that your children are able to use the Internet safely.
For full details of our apporach to e safety, please see our e safety policy on the website's Policies section.
School website
Pupils’ full names will not be used anywhere on the web-site or blog, particularly in association with photographs. Staff or pupils’ personal information will not be published.
Social networking
All of the children at Scholar Green are too young to have pages on social netweorking sites such as Facebook. Use of Facebook etc is not appropriate for primary aged pupils. Where teachers and school staff come across social networking sites owned by pupils from the school who they know to be under aged, the will report them to the responsible site.
We understand that, despite pupils not being allowed to have pages on Facebook etc, that sometimes they do so with the agreement of their parent or carer. We regularly hold sessions with children in the upper part of the school to explain to them how to use these sites safely if they are going to use them with the agreement of their parent or carer. They can make their use safer by setting the highest security settings, changing their name on the site to a made up one that only their friends will know and blocking access to aeberyone except people that they actually know.
Authorising internet access
All children must have returned a form signed by their parent / carer before they are able to use the Internet in school. These forms have been sent out regularly and most families have returned them. They are available form the school office.